Run of program, version 2023-03-29 Run started at: Fri Sep 1 12:10:40 CDT 2023 Run ended at: Fri Sep 1 13:07:25 CDT 2023 Sequence type: nucleotide Parameter value clust_iden 0.90 clust_cov 0.50 consen_iden 0.80 extra_iden 0.80 mcl_inflation 1.6 strict_synt 1 dagchainer_args -g 10000 -M 50 -D 200000 -E 1e-5 -A 6 -s out_dir_base out pctl_low 25 pctl_med 50 pctl_hi 75 consen_prefix Cicer.pan2 annot_str_regex ([^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+\.[^.]+)\..+ order_method reference preferred_annot CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 work_dir /project/legume_project/steven.cannon/pandagma/Cicer/../work_Cicer Output directory for this run: out_Cicer_4_2 Statistic value == Initial clusters (containing only genes within synteny blocks) Cluster file 06_syn_pan.clust.tsv num_of_clusters 25132 largest_cluster 8 modal_clst_size 3 num_at_mode 10184 seqs_clustered 81100 == Augmented clusters (unanchored sequences added to the initial clusters) Cluster file 12_syn_pan_aug.clust.tsv num_of_clusters 25132 largest_cluster 48 modal_clst_size 4 num_at_mode 14870 seqs_clustered 103003 == Augmented-extra clusters (with sequences from extra annotation sets) The pctl25 set consists of orthogroups with at least 2 genes per OG (>= 6 * 25/100 sets). Cluster file 18_syn_pan_aug_extra.clust.tsv num_of_clusters 25132 largest_cluster 513 modal_clst_size>=2 6 num_at_mode>=2 13382 seqs_clustered 150210 == Sequence stats for CDS files Class: seqs min max N50 ave annotation_name Main: 30880 45 26373 1530 1106.7 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 Main: 30257 150 14511 1497 1149.8 cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1 Main: 34703 9 16287 1452 1009.6 cicec.S2Drd065.gnm1.ann1 Main: 36656 66 33411 1473 1022.3 cicre.Besev079.gnm1.ann1 Extra: 28269 150 16026 1506 1166.4 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1 Extra: 25105 135 14595 1566 1232.5 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm2.ann1 Avg: 30978 92 20200 1504 1114 all_annot_sets == Sequence stats for final pangene CDS files -- pctl25 and trimmed Class: seqs min max N50 ave annotation_name pctl25: 24518 66 16026 1593 1228.9 23_syn_pan_pctl25_posn_cds.fna == Proportion of initial genes retained in the "aug_extra" and "pctl25" sets: Start End_all End_core Pct_kept_all Pct_kept_core Annotation_name 28269 23932 23932 84.7 84.7 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1 25105 23275 23275 92.7 92.7 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm2.ann1 30880 26474 26470 85.7 85.7 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 30257 21778 21740 72.0 71.9 cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1 34703 27533 27452 79.3 79.1 cicec.S2Drd065.gnm1.ann1 36656 27218 27189 74.3 74.2 cicre.Besev079.gnm1.ann1 == For all annotation sets, counts of genes-in-orthogroups and counts of orthogroups-with-genes: gns-in-OGs OGs-w-gns OGs-w-gns/gns pct-non-null-OGs pct-null-OGs annot-set 23932 19740 82.48 78.55 21.45 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1 23275 21131 90.79 84.08 15.92 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm2.ann1 26474 24012 90.70 95.54 4.46 cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1 21778 18975 87.13 75.50 24.50 cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1 27533 23531 85.46 93.63 6.37 cicec.S2Drd065.gnm1.ann1 27218 24549 90.19 97.68 2.32 cicre.Besev079.gnm1.ann1 Counts of initial clusters by cluster size, file 06_syn_pan.clust.tsv: 2 4890 3 10184 4 9564 5 456 6 35 7 2 8 1 Counts of augmented clusters by cluster size, file 12_syn_pan_aug.clust.tsv: 2 1741 3 4256 4 14870 5 2645 6 581 7 331 8 235 9 140 10 70 11 58 12 38 13 30 14 13 15 18 16 16 17 8 18 11 19 6 20 7 21 9 22 4 23 7 24 3 25 4 26 1 27 4 28 4 29 4 30 2 31 1 32 3 33 1 35 1 36 1 37 4 38 1 39 1 43 1 46 1 48 1 Counts of augmented-extra clusters by cluster size, file 18_syn_pan_aug_extra.clust.tsv: 2 1296 3 1381 4 1823 5 2918 6 13382 7 2455 8 612 9 276 10 190 11 158 12 173 13 100 14 54 15 51 16 31 17 34 18 25 19 15 20 14 21 14 22 12 23 9 24 16 25 12 26 2 27 8 28 8 29 7 30 6 31 6 32 5 33 1 34 1 35 2 36 1 37 2 38 1 39 1 40 1 41 4 43 1 45 1 46 1 47 1 48 1 50 1 51 3 52 1 53 1 54 1 67 2 70 1 80 1 100 1 152 1 163 1 164 1 173 1 223 1 239 1 312 1 513 1 # Number of annotations per pangene bin abcdefghijKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijKLMNOPQRSTabcdefghijKLMNOPQRST 1.00 2.00 ....... 3.00 ........ 4.00 .......... 5.00 ................. 6.00 .................................................................................