identifier: K30076.gnm1.ann1.J37m provenance: "The files in this directory originated from There is also a corresponding genome assembly at GenBank - but that assembly is organized as scaffold sequences rather than as pseudomolecule assemblies, so for the purposes of loading genome browsers, gene families, etc., we instead use the pseudomolecule assemblies and corresponding pseudomolecule-derived annotation files from PeanutBase. The PeanutBase repository is considered the primary repository and authoritative; files in this present directory are derived, and may have changes, as noted below. The files here are held as part of the LegumeInfo, PeanutBase, and LegumeFederation projects, and are made available here for the purpose of reproducibility of analyses at these sites (e.g. gene family alignments and phylogenies, genome browsers, etc.) and for further use by researchers, as that research extends other analyses at the LegumeInfo, PeanutBase, and Legume Federation project(s). If you are conducting research on large-scale data sets for this species, please consider retrieving the data from the primary repositories. If you use the data in the present directory, please 1) please cite the data appropriately - generally referring to the original publications for this data; and if you make use of any significant modifications in the files (noted below under 'Transformations' where applicable), then please also cite the respective database project(s) related to this directory." source: "" synopsis: genome annotations for Arachis ipaensis K30076.gnm1.ann1 scientific_name: Arachis ipaensis taxid: 130454 bioproject: PRJNA258025 scientific_name_abbrev: araip genotype: - K30076 description: Files in this directory include the MAKER-generated gene annotations for Arachis ipaensis, on the version 1.0 pseudomolecule assemblies of the genome. See the original README file for complete description. dataset_doi: genbank_accession: GCA_000816755.2 original_file_creation_date: "2014-03-15" local_file_creation_date: "2017-02-01" publication_doi: 10.1038/ng.3517 dataset_release_date: "2014-03-15" publication_title: "The genome sequences of Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaensis, the diploid ancestors of cultivated peanut" contributors: "David John Bertioli, Steven B Cannon, Lutz Froenicke, Guodong Huang, Andrew D Farmer, Ethalinda K S Cannon, Xin Liu, Dongying Gao, Josh Clevenger, Sudhansu Dash, Longhui Ren, Marcio C Moretzsohn, Kenta Shirasawa, Wei Huang, Bruna Vidigal, Brian Abernathy, Ye Chu, Chad E Niederhuth, Pooja Umale, Ana Claudia G Araujo, Alexander Kozik, Kyung Do Kim, Mark D Burow, Rajeev K Varshney, Xingjun Wang, Xinyou Zhang, Noelle Barkley, Patricia M Guimaraes, Sachiko Isobe, Baozhu Guo, Boshou Liao, H Thomas Stalker, Robert J Schmitz, Brian E Scheffler, Soraya C M Leal-Bertioli, Xu Xun, Scott A Jackson, Richard Michelmore, Peggy Ozias-Akins" data_curators: Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open access. See keywords: Arachis ipaensis, genome assembly citation: "Bertioli DJ, Cannon SB, Froenicke L, Huang G, Farmer AD, Cannon EK, Liu X, Gao D, Clevenger J, Dash S, Ren L, Moretzsohn MC, Shirasawa K, Huang W, Vidigal B, Abernathy B, Chu Y, Niederhuth CE, Umale P, Araújo AC, Kozik A, Do Kim K, Burow MD, Varshney RK, Wang X, Zhang X, Barkley N, Guimarães PM, Isobe S, Guo B, Liao B, Stalker HT, Schmitz RJ, Scheffler BE, Leal-Bertioli SC, Xun X, Jackson SA, Michelmore R, Ozias-Akins P. The genome sequences of Arachis duranensis and Arachis ipaensis, the diploid ancestors of cultivated peanut. Nature Genetics 48:438-446 (2016)."