--- gene_symbols: - CYCLOPS gene_model_pub_name: Medtr5g026850 gene_model_full_id: medtr.A17_HM341.gnm4.ann2.Medtr5g026850 confidence: 5 curators: - Steven Cannon phenotype_synopsis: Symbiotic infection of roots by rhizobia bacteria and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi was inhibited or blocked, i.e. infection threads were not observed despite colonization of root hairs by rhizobia and AM fungal hyphae formed abnormal hyphal swellings with no arbuscles observed. Nodule organogenesis was initiated but arrested prematurely at the level of primordia as an indirect consequence of the aborted infection. traits: - entity_name: root nodule morphology trait entity: TO:0000898 - entity_name: root system entity: PO:0025025 references: - citation: Liu, Breakspear et al., 2019 doi: 10.1104/pp.18.01572 pmid: 30710053 - citation: Oellrich, Walls et al., 2015 doi: 10.1186/s13007-015-0053-y pmid: 25774204