--- scientific_name: Glycine max gene_symbols: - GmLCLb2 gene_symbol_long: LHY/CCA1-like b2 gene_model_pub_name: Glyma19g45030 gene_model_full_id: glyma.Wm82.gnm1.ann1.Glyma19g45030 confidence: 4 curators: - Marlene Dorneich-Hayes comments: - Transgenic expression of LCLb2 shows that the gene maintains rhythmicity, is expressed most strongly at dawn, and is influenced by light/dark and temperature cycles. - The circadian cycle speeds up when the transgenic plant is exposed to higher intensity red or blue light. - Knockout of transcription factors LCLa1, LCLa2, LCLb1, and LCLb2 produces short circadian rhythms and delayed flowering time. - GmLCL genes share homology with AtCCA1, AtLHY, and VrCCA1L26 genes (see Liu_Zhang_2022.yml) phenotype_synopsis: Positive regulation of circadian clock. traits: - entity_name: transcription factor binding entity: GO:0008134 - entity_name: positive regulation of circadian rhythm entity: GO:0042753 references: - citation: Wang, Yuan, et. al., 2019 doi: 10.1111/pce.13678 pmid: 31724182