--- directories: work_dir: /usr/local/www/data/private/Cicer/GENUS from_pan_dir: out_Cicer_4_2 prefixes: from_pan_prefix: collection_info: genus: Cicer pan_ver: pan1 pan_key: SV8C readme_info: provenance: "The files in this directory are a product of the staff of the SoyBase and LegumeInfo project teams. The method is described here: https://github.com/legumeinfo/pandagma" source: "https://data.legumeinfo.org" synopsis: "Pangene set for Cicer species, based on C. arietinum, C. echinospermum, and reticulatum. This pangene set includes 12 annotation sets." taxid: "3826" annotations_main: cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm3.ann1,cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1,cicec.S2Drd065.gnm1.ann1,cicre.Besev079.gnm1.ann1 annotations_extra: cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1,cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm2.ann1 description: "Pan-gene set for Cicer species, spanning 3 species and 6 annotation sets, calculated using the pandagma pipeline, version 2023-04-03" bioproject: sraproject: dataset_doi_genome: dataset_doi_annot: genbank_accession: original_file_creation_date: 2023-04-03 local_file_creation_date: 2023-04-03 dataset_release_date: 2023-04-03 contributors: Steven Cannon, Hyunoh Lee publication_doi: citation: publication_title: data_curators: Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open keywords: "Cicer, chickpea, pan-gene, pangene, orthogroup" from_to_pan_tsv: - from: 18_syn_pan_aug_extra.clust.tsv to: clust.tsv description: "Pan-gene sets, in cluster format: ID in first column, followed by tab-separated gene list." - from: 18_syn_pan_aug_extra.counts.tsv to: counts.tsv description: "Matrix of counts of genes per annotation set for each pan-gene set." - from: 18_syn_pan_aug_extra.hsh.tsv to: hsh.tsv description: "Pan-gene sets, in a two-column hash format, with the set ID in the first column and genes in the second." from_to_pan_fasta: - from: 21_pan_fasta_clust_rep_cds.fna to: inclusive_cds.fna description: "CDS pan-gene sequence, inclusive (not filtered by minimum cluster size or annotation-set representation)." - from: 21_pan_fasta_clust_rep_prot.faa to: inclusive_protein.faa description: "Protein pan-gene sequence, inclusive (not filtered by minimum cluster size or annotation-set representation)." - from: 23_syn_pan_pctl25_posn_cds.fna to: pctl25_named_cds.fna strip: '\w+\.pan\d+\.' description: "CDS pan-gene sequence, omitting pan-genes smaller than 25% of the mode, with derived pan-gene IDs corresponding with consensus chromosome and ordinal position." - from: 23_syn_pan_pctl25_posn_prot.faa to: pctl25_named_protein.faa strip: '\w+\.pan\d+\.' description: "Protein pan-gene sequence, omitting pan-genes smaller than 25% of the mode, with derived pan-gene IDs corresponding with consensus chromosome and ordinal position." from_to_pan_as_is: - from: 18_syn_pan_aug_extra_complement.fna to: complement.fna description: "Complement of genes in this pan-gene set; i.e. not clustered, presumed to be singletons." - from: stats.Cicer_4_2.txt to: stats.txt description: "Descriptive statistics about program parameters, input sequences, and pan-gene products."