--- identifier: Phaseolus.pan1.X2PC provenance: "The files in this directory are a product of the staff of the SoyBase and LegumeInfo project teams. The method is described here: https://github.com/legumeinfo/pandagma" source: "https://data.legumeinfo.org" synopsis: "Pangene set for Phaseolus species, based primarily on P. vulgaris but also including P. acutifolius and P. lunatus. This pangene set includes 8 annotation sets." scientific_name: Phaseolus scientific_name_abbrev: Phaseolus taxid: 3883 annotations_main: - phaac.Frijol_Bayo.gnm1.ann1 - phaac.W6_15578.gnm2.ann1 - phalu.G27455.gnm1.ann1 - phavu.5-593.gnm1.ann1 - phavu.G19833.gnm2.ann1 - phavu.LaborOvalle.gnm1.ann1 - phavu.UI111.gnm1.ann1 annotations_extra: - phavu.G19833.gnm1.ann1 description: "Pan-gene set for Phaseolus species, spanning 3 species and 8 annotation sets, calculated using the pandagma pipeline, version 2023-04-03" original_file_creation_date: "2023-04-03" local_file_creation_date: "2023-04-03" dataset_release_date: "2023-04-03" contributors: Steven Cannon, Hyunoh Lee data_curators: Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open keywords: Phaseolus, common bean, lima bean, pan-gene, pangene, orthogroup