identifier:ñoz-Amatriaín_Mirebrahim_2017 synopsis: "Illumina Cowpea iSelect Consortium Array, built from 37 cowpea accessions" scientific_name: Vigna unguiculata taxid: 3917 scientific_name_abbrev: vigun genotype: - 37 cowpea accessions relevant to Africa, China, and the USA genetic_map: iSelect-consensus-2016 description: "The Illumina Cowpea iSelect Consortium Array was built from 37 cowpea accessions relevant to Africa, China, and the USA aligned to the WGS assembly of IT97K‐499‐35 to discover SNPs. The design also included 1163 SNPs from the prior GoldenGate assay and 60 presumed organelle SNPs. 51,128 SNPs are represented in the final product, which is available from Illumina." dataset_doi: 10.1111/tpj.13404 publication_doi: 10.1111/tpj.13404 publication_title: "Genome resources for climate-resilient cowpea, an essential crop for food security" contributors: "Muñoz-Amatriaín, María; Mirebrahim, Hamid; Xu, Pei; Wanamaker, Steve I; Luo, Mingcheng; Alhakami, Hind; Alpert, Matthew; Atokple, Ibrahim; Batieno, Benoit J; Boukar, Ousmane; Bozdag, Serdar; Cisse, Ndiaga; Drabo, Issa; Ehlers, Jeffrey D; Farmer, Andrew; Fatokun, Christian; Gu, Yong Q; Guo, Yi-Ning; Huynh, Bao-Lam; Jackson, Scott A; Kusi, Francis; Lawley, Cynthia T; Lucas, Mitchell R; Ma, Yaqin; Timko, Michael P; Wu, Jiajie; You, Frank; Barkley, Noelle A; Roberts, Philip A; Lonardi, Stefano; Close, Timothy J" data_curators: Sam Hokin public_access_level: public license: Open citation: "Muñoz-Amatriaín, M. et al. Genome resources for climate-resilient cowpea, an essential crop for food security. Plant J. 89, 1042–1054 (2017)"