identifier: synopsis: "A novel genotyping assay for over 50,000 SNPs was employed to delineate genomic regions governing cowpea pod length." scientific_name: Vigna unguiculata taxid: 3917 scientific_name_abbrev: vigun genotype: - ZN016 x Zhijiang282 genetic_map: ZN016_x_Zhijiang282.Xu_Wu_2017 description: "The population used in genetic mapping included 132 recombinant inbred lines (F6:8, ‘ZZ’ population) developed by single‐seed descent from the cross ZN016 x Zhijiang282. ZN016 is a landrace vegetable cowpea accession originating from southern China with medium‐long pods (~38 cm) while Zhijiang282 is a typical asparagus bean cultivar with long pods." genotyping_platform: Cowpea1MSelectedSNPs genotyping_method: "Sample DNA (mostly 50 ng/μL, small fraction at 10–30 ng/μL), was hybridized to the Cowpea iSelect Consortium Array. Single‐base extension was performed and the chips were scanned using Illumina iScan. The clustering algorithm of GenomeStudio Genotyping Module (V 1.9.4, Illumina, Inc.) was used for SNP calling." publication_doi: 10.1111/pbi.12639 publication_title: "Genomic regions, cellular components and gene regulatory basis underlying pod length variations in cowpea (V. unguiculata L. Walp)" contributors: "Xu, Pei; Wu, Xinyi; Muñoz-Amatriaín, María; Wang, Baogen; Wu, Xiaohua; Hu, Yaowen; Huynh, Bao-Lam; Close, Timothy J; Roberts, Philip A; Zhou, Wen; Lu, Zhongfu; Li, Guojing" data_curators: Sam Hokin public_access_level: public license: Open citation: "Xu, P. et al. Genomic regions, cellular components and gene regulatory basis underlying pod length variations in cowpea (V. unguiculata L. Walp). Plant Biotechnol. J. 15, 547–557 (2017)"