--- file_transformation: - Added dataset prefixes per Data Store conventions - Added AHRD and iprscan info per standard operating procedure - removed attributes from original file that were problematic for loading or inconsistent with AHRD descriptors, basically as sed 's/reference=[^;]*;//' | sed 's/description=[^;]*;//' | awk 'BEGIN {FS="\t"; OFS="\t"} {if ($3 == "mRNA") {sub(";?Note=[^;]*","",$9);} print $0}' changes: - 2019-09-12 Initial repository creation - 2019-10-11 Added cds_primaryTranscript.fna, corresponding with protein_primaryTranscript.fna - 2021-11-03 adf: Added AHRD descriptors to fasta headers per request from researcher doing proteomics - 2023-09-27 sh: added Name attribute to gene_models_main.gff3