--- identifier: R108.gnmHiC_1.7RWS provenance: "Permission to include in LIS given by Kiran Mysore and Parwinder Kaur" source: "https://www.dnazoo.org/assemblies/Medicago_truncatula" synopsis: "An assembly based on the earlier PacBio-based genome (R108_HM340.gnm1.XT6J), put into pseudomolecules using HiC scaffolding." related_to: R108.gnmHiC_1.ann1.Y8NH scientific_name: Medicago truncatula taxid: 3880 scientific_name_abbrev: medtr genotype: - R108 chromosome_prefix: chr supercontig_prefix: scaffold description: "Here, we performed in situ Hi-C (48×) to anchor, order, orient scaffolds, and correct misjoins of contigs in a previously published genome assembly (R108 v1.0), resulting in an improved genome assembly containing eight chromosome-length scaffolds that span 97.62% of the sequenced bases in the input assembly. The long-range physical information data generated using Hi-C allowed us to obtain a chromosome-length ordering of the genome assembly, better validate previous draft misjoins, and provide further insights accurately predicting synteny between A17 and R108 regions corresponding to the known chromosome 4/8 translocation." bioproject: PRJNA512907 sraproject: SRP175152 original_file_creation_date: "2021-04-28" local_file_creation_date: "2021-12-28" dataset_release_date: "2022-03-21" publication_doi: 10.3390/ijms22094326 publication_title: "Delineating the Tnt1 Insertion Landscape of the Model Legume Medicago truncatula cv. R108 at the Hi-C Resolution Using a Chromosome-Length Genome Assembly" contributors: "Kaur, Parwinder; ... ; Mysore, Kirankumar" citation: "Kaur P, Lui C, Dudchenko O, Nandety RS, Hurgobin B, Pham M, Lieberman Aiden E, Wen J, Mysore KS. Delineating the Tnt1 Insertion Landscape of the Model Legume Medicago truncatula cv. R108 at the Hi-C Resolution Using a Chromosome-Length Genome Assembly. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021; 22(9):4326. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22094326" data_curators: Andrew Farmer public_access_level: public license: Open keywords: Medicago truncatula, R108, Tnt1 insertion mutants