--- identifier: Zhongmu_No_1.gnm1.TRQW provenance: "Genome assembly obtained via publication" source: "https://figshare.com/articles/dataset/Medicago_sativa_genome_and_annotation_files/12623960" synopsis: "Pseudomolecule assemblies and unanchored contigs representing 1 haplotype per chromosome for Medicago sativa Zhongmu No. 1" related_to: Zhongmu_No_1.gnm1.ann1.SMZN scientific_name: Medicago sativa taxid: 3879 bioproject: PRJCA001722 scientific_name_abbrev: medsa genotype: - Zhongmu_No_1 chromosome_prefix: Chr supercontig_prefix: contig description: "A de novo assembled 816-Mb high-quality, chromosome-level haploid genome sequence for ‘Zhongmu No.1’ alfalfa, a heterozygous autotetraploid; PacBio read assembly + BioNano optical map and HiC scaffolding." original_file_creation_date: "2021-12-28" dataset_release_date: "2022-07-01" publication_doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.07.003 publication_title: "The Chromosome-Level Genome Sequence of the Autotetraploid Alfalfa and Resequencing of Core Germplasms Provide Genomic Resources for Alfalfa Research" contributors: "Chen Shen, Huilong Du, ..., Tao Wang" data_curators: Andrew Farmer public_access_level: Public license: Open citation: "Shen C, Du H, Chen Z, Lu H, Zhu F, Chen H, Meng X, Liu Q, Liu P, Zheng L, Li X, Dong J, Liang C, Wang T. The Chromosome-Level Genome Sequence of the Autotetraploid Alfalfa and Resequencing of Core Germplasms Provide Genomic Resources for Alfalfa Research. Mol Plant. 2020 Sep 7;13(9):1250-1261. doi: 10.1016/j.molp.2020.07.003. Epub 2020 Jul 13. PMID: 32673760."