Data Usage Policy: Medicago sativa CADL_HM342 genome assembly As a public service, the researchers who have assembled the genome of Medicago sativa CADL_HM342 are making the genome assembly available before scientific publication according to the Ft. Lauderdale Accord ( These data sets have been made available from the Legume Federation / LIS Data Store prior to peer-reviewed publication of the data, with the expectation and desire to publish analysis of the data in a reasonable time without preemption by other groups. By accessing these data, you agree not to publish any articles containing analyses of genes or genomic data on a whole genome or chromosome scale prior to publication by the sequencing consortium of a comprehensive genome analysis ("Reserved Analyses") except with permission of the sequencing consortium. Reserved analyses include the identification of complete (whole genome) sets of genomic features such as genes, gene families, regulatory elements, repeat structures, GC content, or any other genome feature, and whole-genome- or chromosome- scale comparisons with other species. For specific questions about data use please send your inquiry to Dr. Nevin Young, Also note that this assembly data is being made available prior to deposition at GenBank. The assemblies MAY CHANGE during deposition. Therefore, please treat these assemblies as initial drafts versions. If you will be employing the data for non-reserved analyses, such as cloning a gene of interest, designing mapping panels or to analyze a gene family etc., please reference "The Medicago HapMap Project, pre-publication" and this URL in your provisional citation. These data may be freely downloaded and used by all who respect the restrictions in the previous paragraphs. The assembly and annotations should not be redistributed or repackaged without permission. Once the sequence is moved to unreserved status, the data will be freely available for any subsequent use. If you wish to use this data, please contact Dr. Nevin Young, with your plans, to ensure that proposed usage of sequence data are not Reserved Analyses. Principal Investigators: Nevin Young, Joann Mudge,