--- # filename in this repository: description legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD02_65_hmmalign_trim2.tar.gz Alignments of all legume gene families that contain Cercis and/or Bauhinia, trimmed to HMM "match states", prior to calculation of phylogenetic: trees. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD03_70_trees_combined.tar.gz Phylogenetic trees, calculated using RAxML, and rooted by the nearest non-legume outgroup: species. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD04_71_trees_reduced_trees.tar.gz Phylogenetic trees as in SD03 but with same-species terminal branches reduced to a single sequence representative, for terminals with branch lengths <: 0.2. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD05_tree_legcyc_and_outgrps7boot_color.nh.txt Phylogenetic tree, calculated using RAxML, for CYCLOIDEA-like genes from species in the: Cercidoideae. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD06_LPWG_chrom_counts_by_genus3_all_colored.pdf Phylogenetic tree image for all legume genera with chromosome counts, with modal chromosome counts per genus, colored by: subfamily. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD07_LPWG_chrom_counts_by_genus3.tree.txt Phylogenetic tree file, in phylip format, corresponding with the image in: SD10. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD08_quota_dotplots.pdf Synteny plots between Cercis canadensis, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Prunus: persica. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.SD09_quota_tables.tar.gz Results from quota-alignment pipeline for comparisons between Cercis canadensis, Phaseolus vulgaris, and Prunus: persica. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.ST01_basal_legume_histograms.xlsx Histograms of Ks values for selected species pairs, calculated using top BLAST matches and calculated using gene pairs from genomic synteny: features. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.ST02_species_counts_in_gene_families.xlsx Counts of species in legume gene: families. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.ST03_legcyc_genes.xlsx Sequence IDs and accessions for CYCLOIDEA-like genes from species in the: Cercidoideae. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.ST04_legume_matK_matrix_and_counts_v05.xlsx Sequences for legume matK genes, and chromosome counts for legume species, with modal chromosome counts per: genus. legume.mixed.esm.RDQM.ST05_legume_genome_sizes.xlsx Legume genome size: estimates.