--- identifier: Keunolkong_x_Iksan10.qtl.Shim_Ha_2015 genetic_map: GmComposite2003 provenance: SoyBase source: "https://soybase.org/" synopsis: "Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling UV-B resistance in soybean" scientific_name: Glycine max taxid: 3847 scientific_name_abbrev: glyma genotype: - Keunolkong x Iksan 10 description: "Further information provided in 10.1007/s10681-014-1233-y" publication_doi: 10.1007/s10681-014-1233-y publication_title: "Detection of quantitative trait loci controlling UV-B resistance in soybean" contributors: "Hyun-Chul Shim, Bo-Keun Ha, Minho Yoo, Sung-Taeg Kang" public_access_level: public license: Open