--- identifier: FiskbeyIII_x_Williams82.qtl.Do_Vuong_2018 genetic_map: GmComposite2003 provenance: SoyBase source: "https://soybase.org/" synopsis: "Mapping and confirmation of loci for salt tolerance in a novel soybean germplasm, Fiskeby III" scientific_name: Glycine max taxid: 3847 scientific_name_abbrev: glyma genotype: - Fiskbey III x Williams 82 description: "Further information provided in 10.1007/s00122-017-3015-0" publication_doi: 10.1007/s00122-017-3015-0 publication_title: "Mapping and confirmation of loci for salt tolerance in a novel soybean germplasm, Fiskeby III" contributors: "Tuyen D. Do, Tri D. Vuong, David Dunn, Scotty Smothers, Gunvant Patil, Dennis C. Yungbluth, Pengyin Chen, Andrew Scaboo, Dong Xu, Thomas E. Carter, Henry T. Nguyen, J. Grover Shannon" public_access_level: public license: Open