--- file_transformation: - prefix reference and gene IDs - cat Faidherbia_albida_genes.gff | perl -pe 's/^([^#]\S+)/faial.unk.gnm1.$1/; s/(\w+)=/$1=faihe.unk.gnm1.ann1./' - perl -pe 's/>(\S+)/>faihe.unk.gnm1.ann1.$1/' Faidherbia_albida.cds - perl -pe 's/>(\S+)/>faihe.unk.gnm1.ann1.$1/' Faidherbia_albida.pep changes: - 2019-11-27 Initial repository creation - 2021-01-06: SHokin - renamed gensp from faihe to faial to match Faidherbia albida in filenames and IDs; was inconsistent before. - 2021-01-06: SHokin - changed strain from "unk" to "WAFC" in filenames and IDs for World AgroForestry Center, where the trees were grown - 2021-01-21: SCannon - Duplicated cds.fna as mrna.fna (these should be the same, given the GFF structure) cp faial.WAFC.gnm1.ann1.RTP9.cds.fna.gz faial.WAFC.gnm1.ann1.RTP9.mrna.fna.gz