--- # filename in this repository: description cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.cds_primary.fna.gz: Primary transcripts were selected as the longest transcript for each gene cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.gene_function.gff3.gz: GFF3 of all mrna sequences (UTR, CDS) with AHRD functional annotation cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.gene_models_main.gff3.gz: GFF3 of all mrna sequences (UTR, CDS) cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.pep.faa.gz: Amino acid FASTA of all gene coding sequences, with alternative splice variants cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.pep_primary.faa.gz: Primary transcripts were selected as the longest transcript for each gene cicar.ICC4958.gnm2.ann1.LCVX.legfed_v1_0.M65K.gfa.tsv.gz: Gene family assignments