--- file_transformation: changes: - 2018-03-02 add MANIFESTs - 2018-07-12 Changed fasta header in all *.fna and *.faa files (perl -pi -e 's/>Ca/>cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1.Ca/') - 2019-12-20 Added genome prefixes (cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.) to "extra" GFF files - 2019-12-20 Added gene prefixes (cicar.CDCFrontier.gnm1.ann1) to info files (.txt) - 2020-09-29 Added gene family assignments - 2021-07-02 adf: added transcript and transcript_primaryTranscript files via gffread -w (part of fix for https://github.com/legumeinfo/datastore-issues/issues/33) - 2021-07-27 adf: added ID attributes to features needing them via add_IDs_to_gff_features.pl (fixes https://github.com/legumeinfo/datastore-issues/issues/44)