--- taxid: 130454 genus: Arachis species: ipaensis abbrev: araip commonName: diploid wild peanut - B genome description: "Arachis ipaensis A. ipaensis, native to Bolivia, is thought to be one of the diploid ancestors of cultivated peanut. The genome of A. ipaensis has just been sequenced as part of the Peanut Genomics Initiative, to help in the accurate assembly of the tetraploid domestic peanut, A. hypogaea. Cultivated peanut derived all of its genetic material from two wild ancestors, A. duranensis and A. ipaensis whose genomes merged several thousand years ago, in a rare genetic event. The wild species, therefore, have half as much genetic material as cultivated peanut. These two simpler genomes have first been sequenced toward achieving its ultimate goal: the complete genomic sequence for cultivated peanut. Arachis ipaensis is described further in Bertioli et al., 2016 (doi:10.1038/ng.3517)" resources: - name: Dowload at DS URL: "https://data.legumeinfo.org/Arachis/ipaensis/" description: "DataStore dir for Arachis ipaensis." strains: - identifier: K30076 accession: K30076 name: K30076 origin: Southern Bolivia description: "Arachis ipaensis accession K30076 is the only accession collected from what is thought to be the origin of tetraploid peanut, Villa Montes Bolivia. It was likely carried there by early agriculturalists from a larger population several hundred kilometers to the north (Bertioli et al., 2016: doi:10.1038/ng.3517)" resources: - name: "Genome assembly at NCBI" URL: "http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/assembly/GCA_000816755.1/" description: "Genome assembly at NCBI, K30076"