--- identifier: mixed.esm.KNWV provenance: "The files in this directory are considered the primary instances. The files here are held as part of the PeanutBase and associated projects, e.g. PeanutBase, LegumeInfo, etc. There is also an instance of the data at the National Ag Library, https://data.nal.usda.gov/dataset/data-genotypic-characterization-us-peanut-core-collection" source: "https://peanutbase.org/data/public/Arachis_hypogaea" synopsis: "Electronic supplementary material for the paper 'Genotypic characterization of the U.S. peanut core collection', PI Otyama, R Kulkarni, EK Cannon et al., 2020" scientific_name: Arachis hypogaea taxid: 3818 scientific_name_abbrev: arahy description: "Files in this directory are the electronic supplementary materials for Genotypic characterization of the U.S. peanut core collection, PI Otyama, R Kulkarni, ... EK Cannon et al., 2020" original_file_creation_date: "2020-03-01" local_file_creation_date: "2020-03-01" dataset_release_date: "2020-04-15" publication_doi: 10.1534/g3.120.401306 publication_title: "Genotypic characterization of the U.S. peanut core collection" contributors: "Paul I. Otyama, Roshan Kulkarni, Kelly Chamberlain?, Peggy Ozias-Akins, Ye Chu, Lori Lincoln, Gregory E. MacDonald, Noelle Anglin, Sudhansu Dash, David Bertioli, David Fernandez-Baca, Michelle Graham, Steven B. Cannon, Ethalinda K.S. Cannon" data_curators: Ethy Cannon, Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: open keywords: Arachis hypogaea, SNP genotyping, Affymetix array citation: "Genotypic characterization of the U.S. peanut core collection, PI Otyama, R Kulkarni, ... EK Cannon et al., 2020 (submitted)"