identifier: Tifrunner.gnm2.ann1.4K0L provenance: The files in this directory are considered the primary instances. The files here are held as part of the PeanutBase, LegumeInfo, and LegumeFederation projects. synopsis: Gene models for genome assembly 2 for Arachis hypogaea, cultivar Tifrunner. scientific_name: Arachis hypogaea taxid: 3818 bioproject: PRJNA291488 scientific_name_abbrev: arahy genotype: - Tifrunner description: "Genome annotation for Arachis hypogaea cultivar Tifrunner, assembly version 2 (Tifrunner.gnm2). Gene models (gene_models_main.gff3) have been projected from Tifrunner.gnm1 into Tifrunner.gnm2 using CrossMap and chain files derived from MUMmer comparisons between the respective assemblies. The CDS, protein, and transcript files are identical to those from Tifrunner.gnm1.ann1.CCJH. Gene model mappings are incomplete: 145 models could not be automatically projected into Tifrunner.gnm2 using CrossMap. See file arahy.Tifrunner.gnm2.ann1.4K0L.info_unmapped_models.txt for the listing of unmapped genes." original_file_creation_date: "2019-07-26" local_file_creation_date: "2019-07-26" publication_doi: 10.1038/s41588-019-0405-z dataset_release_date: "2019-07-26" publication_title: The genome sequence of segmental allotetraploid peanut Arachis hypogaea contributors: "The International Peanut Genome Initiative; lead assembly group Jeremy Schmutz, Jerry Jenkins, Jane Grimwood; project leads David Bertioli; Soraya Bertioli; Brian Schleffler; Scott Jackson; Peggy Ozias-Akins; HiC assessments and corrections: Melanie Pham, Olga Dudchenko; Erez Lieberman Aiden lab. Projection of gene models from Tifrunner.gnm1 into Tifrunner.gnm2: Steven Cannon." data_curators: Ethalinda Cannon, Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open keywords: peanut, Arachis hypogaea, Tifrunner citation: Bertioli et al., 2019