file_transformation: - Added prefixes to GFF references and IDs changes: - 2018-03-01 moved file lists into MANIFESTs - 2018-06-25 added descriptions file: arahy.Tifrunner.gnm1.ann1.CCJH.info_descriptors.txt - derived from gff3 file as follows: cat arahy.Tifrunner.gnm1.ann1.CCJH.gene_models_main.gff3 | awk '$3=="gene"' | grep "Name=" | grep Z7AAAI | perl -pe 's/%2C/,/g; s/%3B/;/g; s/%3D/=/g' - 2019-05-20 Updated README to note publication - 2019-07-25 Updated GFF file to fix problem with parent names in exon records (second and subsequent names within an exon with multiple parents had incorect forms). - 2020-04-03 adf updated GFF file to fix lingering issues with shared exons and suppressed transcripts reported by user - 2020-04-27 use bgzip+samtools faidx for derived fastas - 2022-08-09 adf: fix bgzip and tabix for gene models main file - 2023-02-12 adf: fix non-unique IDs per using datastore-specifications/scripts/ --clobber CDS --clobber five_prime_UTR --clobber three_prime_UTR