--- identifier: K10017.rpt.931Q provenance: "This repository is considered the primary source for these files. The files here are held as part of the PeanutBase, LegumeInfo, and LegumeFederation projects. Please also see the associated usage_policy.txt." synopsis: Genomic repetitive elements for Arachis cardenasii. Provided by Dongying Gao and David Bertioli. scientific_name: Arachis cardenasii taxid: 51121 bioproject: PRJNA673010 scientific_name_abbrev: araca genotype: - K10017 description: "Mixed repeats from A. cardenasii. Contributed by Dongying Gao and David Bertioli, mid-2020." original_file_creation_date: "2020-07-01" local_file_creation_date: "2020-12-01" dataset_release_date: "2021-01-01" contributors: "Dongying Gao, David Bertioli, Soraya Bertioli, Brian Scheffler" data_curators: Steven Cannon public_access_level: public license: Open, with usage agreement keywords: peanut, Archis, repetitive elements