--- identifier: CIAT22838.gnm1.ann1.ZM3R synopsis: "Aeschynomene evenia isolate CIAT22838, whole genome shotgun sequencing project." scientific_name: Aeschynomene evenia taxid: 561484 scientific_name_abbrev: aesev genotype: - CIAT 22838 description: "Aeschynomene evenia isolate CIAT22838, whole genome shotgun sequencing project." bioproject: PRJNA448804 sraproject: SRP150701 genbank_accession: GCA_013621005.1 publication_doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-21094-7 publication_title: "Genetics of nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia uncovers mechanisms of the rhizobium–legume symbiosis" citation: "Quilbé, J. et al. Genetics of nodulation in Aeschynomene evenia uncovers mechanisms of the rhizobium-legume symbiosis. Nat. Commun. 12, 829 (2021)"